Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Best Dressed

Here are the best dresses celebs of the week. Which is your favourite?


Something that not many people have realised is that you can still make a whole different outfit by just changing one little thing. Say for example, the shirt. Below are some photos of my medoll, with the exact same pants, shoes and hat, but a different shirt each time. Do they look the same?

xx. Rose_Jean

Barbie Look

I used:

Barbie Glamorous Dress
Wild Candy Purse
Makeover Shoes

Monday, December 20, 2010


Welcome to my new blog!

I have made this blog to write a bit about my life on Stardoll. It won't be updated daily though, because i'd much rather spend time on my other blog,

So, hope you guys will follow, because it's pretty interesting ^_^

xx. Rose_Jean